
Focal Solo monitors with Focal Subwoofer

Avantone mixcubes

Universal Audio Apollo X8

Universal Audio Apollo 16

A Design Gold Pre


Warm Audio WA412 Pre

Audient ASP880 x 2

Wes Audio b76 Compressor


Neumann TLM 103 x 2

AKG 414B x2

AKG 414 Xls

Jz W12

Electrovoice RE20

Josephson C24 x 2

Oktava MK012 x 2

Shure SM57 x 4

SE R1 x 2


2002 Gibson Les Paul

1978 Fender Stratocaster

Fender Double Fat Strat

Gordon Smith Treblerock

Fender PJ bass

Rees 5 String Bass

Rees Rapport Hardtail P90’s

Rees Rapport Tremolo

Martin OOOM Acoustic

Auden Colton Dreadnaught

Amplifiers & Effects

Dr.Z Maz 38 snr head

Dr.z EZG 50 2x10 combo

Fender Hotrod Deluxe 1x12

Dr.Z 2x10 combo

Marshall 4x12 vintage cab

Too many pedal to mention but here are some highlights.

Strymon Timeline, Mobius, Bluesky

Wampler Paisley Drive, Compressor, Nirvana Chorus

Providence Chrono Delay